I'm back gorgeous! I mentioned in my previous post that I'm going to delete my blog(spot) and move to somewhere else ya? The reason I intend to do that is because I feel that this blog is going to be dead and actually , I don't have the mood to blog. Just plain lazy and tired. Tired of what, I don't know. Maybe tired of blogging. Well, if you gorgeous have been religiously viewed/read my blog just to know my latest updates,I sincerely and deeply apologised that I put a messaged on my blog as "Under Construction" just so that you all don't read my blog. I've been in deep thoughts whether to continue or discontinue and TODAY I have made a decision that this piece of blog does not ONLY belongs to me, but to US; Fiance and me. I've informed him. But that is up to him to feature his story here. Kind of interesting I guess. I will not force him to pen down his thoughts here but of course like all of you know that I'm still the MAIN owner of this blog. Muahahahha. But again, that is up to him. :) Now, let's wait for his very first entry shall we?
Let me share what I have gone through this week, before tomorrow start.
Well, this week is actually the School holiday, hence working in school at this period of time has rather been relaxed. Not to what I expected. Practically,I came to work and wait for work to end. I do have some work, but that is not like the OVERwork you get during the school hours. But I just have to appreciate it.As I know I won't have the luxury of this once the school holiday is over. :)
Next, I just finished watching PB (Prison Break) Season 3 & 4 today. You may call me backdated or what, but I enjoyed watching them. I used to get the PB supplies from my school mates back then in poly, but it stopped until Season 3 first few episodes. And just few days ago, this student approach me to guide him with the dreamweaver, and popped a question about PB. I was so excited to hear that he got the Season 3 & 4. =) hence, being a ood boy he rushed back to his home just to get me that CDs on the very same day. =) Now, I'm patiencely waiting for the Season 5.
Me and Fiance are doing good. I think we're like super glue you know the Elephant brand? we just stick and stick. hehehe.
not that we see each other 24/7 but after we're declared engaged, our life's changed to be better. no more the BGR problem and I'm sure to those who has already engaged would have the same feeling and thinking as me. :)
I can never ask for more.
I think this is a super long entry, and tomorrow I will be seeing the
big kids again. :)