Friday, October 30, 2009
Ok so, I actually refused to go doc and go to work, cus I got stuff to settle for Friday. But no choice, I got no strengthed. And I went to the doc,took my blodd pressure and he said I've got a mild low blood pressure, maybe because I'm having a heavy flow period. He prescibed some medications and advised me to rest well. Which obviously after I had some rest, I head back to office (school) to settle the unsettled stuff. Don't worry, I took cab and went back by cab too. :)
I slept well last night. Slept at 6.30pm, woke up at 9pm. Went to wash up and slept all the way to 6am this morning. I'm able to sleep sideway too! No more giddyness.
Now, I'm slightly ok I think. I'm still on medications, and watching my diet too. Especially need to have high intake of iron and lots and lots of H20!
It's weekends bebeh. at least I've settled the important stuff. :)
ahh, today also the last of school for secondary school and next week it's time for me to renew my contract.
Ouh, MJ," This Is It" was AWESOME! :) Thanks Nazra for the pair of free tickets. Love ya!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Don't Drool.
Thanks Mom for the treat! :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Man Who Is A Year Older.

here's the first page.

here's the third page.
Oh! the picture "classic" right! I used to derive that picture. Very simple, I just need to upload the face, then self-adjust it. I purposely chose the year that he was born and automatically create the picture just like the above. It's fun, you ought to try it! And when I was doing this card, I kept giggling to myself everytime I saw this "RETRO" picture of him. :) Oh, you wouldn't want to see mine! You will be laughing out loud!

last page. :)
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you" and I meant it. :)
Hoped you had a blissful year ahead and I'm so much happier to share this happiest moment with you. Not only today, every single day with you by my side.
Monday, October 19, 2009
In A Box.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
A Good Sleep.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Busy as A Bumble Bee.
Well, to some I'm not busy. But yes I am.
For the past weeks, I've been trying hard to complete my AR. Besides, my other workloads. That is another pile of work. Last Friday,I'm trying hard to complete that AR. And what freaks me out was the inserting of page numbers. It's seems easy right. From your microsoft word, Select "Insert", and select "Page Numbers". Trust me. it will not happen, even if it does, the number are wrong. And it freaks me out, when my AR has already reached the 100th page! So I'm close to giving up, but I took a break, and today I tried to do it again with full of PATIENCE. Which I need the most for now at least. Cus you see, once I'm done with that page number, my AR is just an inch to complete! So ya, this morning, I did it again. Insert the footer, the logo and those stuffs. and good news, it's done! So now, I can concentrate on other stuffs.
Next is my tutoring. Since it's the Exam periods for those kids, my tasks seems simple, but it's not. I'm teaching Twins. And it's not easy. It's like when the other one is extremely quiet doing her work, the other half will have lots of stories to share. And vice versa ok? So I had to double up my attention. And preparing those materials ain't easy.Cus you know, whatever materials I give, I need to do it double. hehe. But it's fun. I'm not complaining.
So the twins have been having this "intensive" tuition with me since Saturday, 2 hours each. 2 down, 2 days to go. Today and tomorrow till the tuition break. :)
Pictures will be uploaded soon.
Oh, Rudy and me were at JB yesterday.It was a last minit merisik event. So come Jan next year, there will be another one getting enganged and another one get HITCH! and then ANOTHER one. Ahem Ahem! :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Splashy Splash!
More gossips, more idiotic acts we made. I think the lifeguards were amused by seeing us so kiddish yesterday. HAHA. Especially when J got a leg cramped while swimming! Thank God, I'm with her.
Now, whole body is aching. well it's TGIF. so I'm thankfully for that.
And meeting Ifah GF later on. Yay!
Can't wait for this weekends to be over. Really!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Movie Checklist.
Dear love, are you game for this movie with me? I know you can. hehehe :p
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday Entry.