But I got too sick and tired of my hair. That I feel that I need a HUGE makeover to my hair. That I decided to cut it short and I rebonded it too. And I feel good and light. You know with my long hair, I've lost too much hair everytime I shampoo or comb. :(
So I keep it short and simple. Anyway, my hair grows really fast. Just wait and see. So I've no problem of waiting my hair long. HAHA. (okay,sounds wrong here.)
I even thought of hair extension. But I'm afraid to do it. Cus I don't know where the fake hairs come from.And I will get paranoid and think nonsense and I will put aside that intention. HAHA.
Look chubbier and lively hor with the short hair?Look matured got anot?Well, I need to look matured since I'm working in a secondary school environment ley!
Erm, I miss my long hair. Actually not REALLY long, but to me with that length is considered long.
But with this long hair I look kiddish and nerdish? HAHAH.Erm, abit cute too. HAHAH. Kidding!
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