Saturday, February 28, 2009
Vrooom to IKEA.

Friday, February 27, 2009
Reached at the interchange, that bus driver supposed to alight some passengers that wants to alight at the interchange, including ME! that point of time, the bus is already packed with students, and i'm so angry when he close the door without letting me and some other passengers to alight! and he drove slightly to the front, so i thought he would let us alight, but hell NO! He ignored. that period of time, i'm already pissed off. I squeezed through the crowd, i walked towards him and scolded him, "Can't you see we're alighting!" Is he deaf or what? someone already shouted to open the door and yet he ignored! OH MY! he opened the door as if nothing happen, and just when i alight from the bus, i took down his bus plate number! i don't care. and he make me miss my another bus to work! urgh!
now, i should lodge a complaint right? i'm so angry. and still so angry!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
25 Random Things.
1. i look like chinese and i always had a hard time meeting new people, cus when they 1st look at me, they ASSUME i'm chinese. (at times, they start to talk Chinese!) but i'm ok with it. :)
2. i am the ONLY child, but i'm not those pampered, spoilt brat kind of child or rather bimbo. my parents never pampered me that much esp dad. that's why i'm very independant.
3. i'm half malay and filipino, and i'm born in the philipines. but too bad, i can't speak tagalog, but i would love to have that filipino accent lor. maybe i shud stay in philippines for a month ah!
4.i have this thing for twins, i donno why!
5. i love my fiance very the muchie much! *this one included or not?* HAHAH.
6. have this thing for charming, tall guys old but not so old. :)
7. when i'm angry, i cry. that's me.
8. usually i'm a straightforward person.
9. i love chocolates but not peppermint!
10. i can sleep and dream, wake up and dream back the same dream i have previously!serious.
11. i want to be a professional trainer one day.
12. love fries!
13. i don't study hard, but i study smart. i don't get those fantastic grades since pri to sec to poly, but i do made through till where i am now. my grades are always the passing grade but i still made it!
14. i can't live without my internet/laptop.
15. i play bowling.
16. i love challenges and obstacles.
17. my room is always messy but my workspace @ work is always neat. so, i'm very different when at home and at work. meaning to say i'm an organized person only when i'm at work.
18. loves to go out with fiance, anywhere.
19. if i stay home for a few days, i will get sick and bored!
20.seldom drink plain water.
21. i will laugh till i cry.
22. i can't bear any needles poking thru me for example jabs. i will cry or have that weak feeling. IN SHORT - i'm a cry baby and can't endure pain.
23.i gain weight easily, lose weight easily and after that, i will gain that weight that i've lose EASILY. so which means, i have to maintain. and it's so hard to maintain, cus i love fooooooood! FOOOD GLOrious FOOOOOOD!
24. tlc person.
25. pursuing my career currently. and i want to do the best as much as possible. :)
cut and paste from my facebook. =)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Next week, dreamweaver class( for only 1 HOUR!!!!??) for the Sec 2 express classes. Plus one of the day, it's an observation period for me. -_- My manager coming down. boo. so if nothing goes wrong, hopefully my i got my confirmation yea? :)
i'm always sleepy on tuesday. why ah!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hospital The Friday.
I will never forget the FEWLING of entering the A&E! HAHHA. One beautiful experience.
Ouh, she was admitted to TTSH! urgh. Not that I hate TTSH, but you know, as an ex-staff from there, I never once miss TTSH at all. I even forgot the way to the A&E lor! Had to ask the Security Guard okay!Serious. So, I'm sure you all know what I meant.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mentally drained out.
Designed the school website, and I'm quite happy with the design, so tomorrow will show it to Mr P. That only took me 3 days to design. Apart from the other tiny bits job that I need to settle. urgh!
Anyway, I find that this week has rather been a good week, cus I feel that the days pass really fast! Don't think so? If not, tomorrow is FRIDAY! so smile lah okay? cus I'm already smiling. :)
ouh, fiance is sick. (erm, got nothing to do with this post right?) hehehe.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Save Me.
And I slept through my journey to work. -_- I can even sleep when I walk you know!
I wish I could escape today, and enjoy my beauty sleep. Just for today. HAHA.
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's Monday!
We went for dinner, took a stroll down to Cathay cus we thought, we wanted to catch movie there, but all the movies begins at 12 midnight! So we skipped that, we took another stroll down to Orchard Road, where you can see those couples with roses, people selling roses. HAHA. Then, we decided that it's more worth it to go back to Cwp, to catch movie there instead. So we caught "Underworld-The Rise of The Lycans". :) The movie ended @ 1am. :)
So, Vday ke tak Vday ke, we still spend quality time with each other irregardless how busy we are. :) and cherish every moment of it. Every seconds, every minutes,every hours you spend with your partner, is what I called LOVE.
Happy Monday and Happy Week ahead.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I Love You Girls, and You Too Fazlin. :P

the hungarians us.
Ouh yes, Congrats to Ita, welcome to the "teacher" club! :)
Quins, substract Fazlin which I think she is on her way back from Frisco.Hopefully, our next meet-up will be the 5 of us, plus MORE energetic Quins. Nonetheless, I knew all of us were tired from work (not included Ita, cus she was on leave!) but we're still KECOH as ever. HAHA. Plus, with my MANLY-voice. HAHA. I went home with a headache okay?
We head over to Civics Mac for MORE crapping session. :p

Such as this?Cannot blame lah, we are PLAYFUL!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ooooh, Sexy Voice.
now, I got a sexy voice yeah!
I've got 1 class today at noon later, and most probably will be using the mobile mic. Hmmmm..
But I kind of love this sexy voice, cus it's really hard for me to get sore throat.Normally I will just get the minimal kind of sore throat, not until you lose your voice. Hihi.
Oh!Tomorrow, it's FRIDAY. Love it.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Believe It.
don't call me workholic yet eh?
Anyway, I shall not rant about my work now.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Declared Half-day.
Well, my in-charge gave me a last minute info regarding the half-day. :)
And tomorrow, is the school's x-country (around the school). Again another half-day for them students, but not me of course.
ouh well, my Tita (read:Aunt) from Phil is here! Just reached yesterday midnight. My parents were at the airport, whereas ME at home S-N-O-R-I-N-G. She will be on vacation here for 2 weeks. :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I've 4 classes starting as early at 8.30am! But thankfully, the last class that ends the day was the "cheeky" class. the boys especially but they're so adorable. :)
I've still have admin stuff to handle. URGH!
Anyway, tomorrow the school are on half-day for all students and teachers. I doubt I got the halfday, but if I'm entitled for the half-day, I DOUBT, DOUBT I can have it, cus I've got tonnes of things to settle. :(
Monday, February 2, 2009
Mr Tan.
She was saying that the whole class of 1R had to stay back for punishment. Just because they're making fun of the teacher whose name is Mr Tan. The joker of that class actually rename Mr Tan as MRT...So, if you were to look at the spelling carefully, MR Tan (read: MRT). And the teacher is fierce according to her. HAHA. Who would think of that word sia, MRT... So, because of that the WHOLE class got to stay back. HAHA.
So, don't be too fierce with your students or else, they will create names behind your back. hurhur.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Touch N Go Weekends.
Anyway, both me and Fiance had MFM last Tuesday. Just because both of us were craving for their Garlic Mussels. :)

And yesterday, had a meet up with Hisham, both Faz and Me long lost friend.! HAHA. So there were Me, Fiance and Fazurah. It's been THAT long that I've met this boy. Erm, to be exact close to 3 years. But that boy is still the SAME old boy despite already in NS. HAHA. So, we had nowhere to go and SINCE I wanted so bad to go and see the Flower Festivals at Sentosa, they decided to go Sentosa. And too bad, no camera so I had to make full use of my not-so-good phone. The flowers were so LOVELY and GORGEOUS. I don't know about them, but after seeing those flowers and those pleasant smells, it really helps to destress myself. I told ya'll I really need a break right.

If only I own a DSLR, I would take a good shot of all the flowers lor.
This weekend is a touch-n-go weekend, for me. Cus yesterday, I had staff straining @ Henry Park Pri School. It's 9am-1pm. So it actually dragged me to go there since I'm not sure where the place is. But when I reached that pri school,OMG! the school is not like a PRI school. Seriously, it has EVERYTHING there. I think that's the biggest and high tech pri school I've seen so far. Hello, it's only PRIMARY school ley! I wonder if there's Henry Park Secondary, it would be even better lor.
Luckily, I have fun colleauges to actually speed up the time. Cus I know, everyone can't wait for the training to end. HAHA.
So there you go my touch-n-go weekends.
And tomorrow will be back to work, and the start of my teaching as an IT "Teacher". Luckily tomorrow is only 2 classes. And work is pilling up. booo!