Me and Fiance headed to IKEA after work cus we're looking for a frame, a customized present for my parents wedding anniversary which is
today (28 Feb) :) we had dinner at Giant food court, and i was freaking hungry that i'm behavi
ng so grumpy! partly due to my periooood :s.
Apologized for that fiance! i loveeee going to I
KEA looking those furnitures, all sorts of house items and of course the soft toys (kids department!) :) almost gotten myself a soft toy from there. but nah, tooo cute for me. Lol!
so anyway, we got what we wanted, and i'm already so tired in which i can barely open my eyes.
Fiance bought a couple of things there such as 2 green towels which he has been eye-ing for quite sometime. :) I think he should buy red and yellow lor, so can become traffic light! HAHA.
As for me, i bought couple of things too such as - f
rame, small cushion (yes, the 2nd one i bought!) the 1st one i bought has become my bantal busuk! hehhee. and i actually get frustrated when my mum washed the cushion cover! pfft!
aah!going in JB tmr with Fiance. :)
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