Day 1 of Raya was one a hectic day for me. But I had fun, especially with the cousins around. This year I felt special, because I get to bond with them boys (cousins) besides Indah (picture below). :) This year Syawal has also made me more even more mature and more know-what-say during the seek of forgiveness to the elderly. It's not that I prepare such scripts you know. But I felt the "syahdu"-ness when I seek their forgiveness. Perhaps I done many sins with them within the year. HAHAHA. Yes, I teared like a baby. Ok NOT. Maintain, cus face already with the THICK make-up. hehehehe.

*non-edited photo*
With Indah Cousin, we both trying so hard to take a picture of us together, we tried means and ways to get perfect picture as we're using only our camera phones. So, we gave up and asked my Uncle, and WALLA! Within a snap, we got this perfect picture, which we name it as "Perempuan Melayu Terakhir".
hehehehehheeh. *kononnya la ye!*
Well, this feeling comes only once a year. So I really appreciate it a lot. I hoped I can maximised this year Syawal with joy and happiness, especially with my Fiance- Rudy and to have a great time with my fellow relatives regardless the in-laws or non-in-laws. Insyallah.
So now, we can go anywhere to any relatives house already cus GREEN LIGHT(read:engaged) already! hehehe.
Whatever it is, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin from me, and I love you Readers!
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