I wish it would be longer. HAHA, don't you think so?
anyway, my laptop at home giving me problem, so I'm so lazy to update the past few days.
so here goes.
Friday - chilling session till past midnight with both Shima and Fiance + watching Inkheart (with Halfy joining)
Saturday -(afternoon) Shopping with Nazra (till my legs hurt)
- (late afternoon) date with Fiance
Sunday - Auntie Bhey's 5oth Birthday cum house warming @
Mondy- STAY AT HOME DAY (yeah, B-O-R-I-N-G lor!)
Tuesday- (Morning)Sight-seeing with Mum @ IMM
- (Afternoon) Fetched Fiance from work @ MS + dinner ( being sweet!)
pictures soon lah okay.
now, i've EXTREMELY tonnes of work to settle. :(
Tell your mum thanks for inviting my mum for picnic. sorry she couldn't come cause of me. hehe... i touchdown yest morning la. so they otw to fetch me. take care sis.
hehehe, no prob!
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